Thursday, August 7, 2008

GBTV #0329 (small) | GeekBrief.TV

GBTV #0329 (small) | GeekBrief.TV
Apple AirPort Express was updated to 802.11n so it's faster and has a longer range. Boston Dynamics has a video of the BigDog robot and it's the most lifelike robot movement we've seen. The full video is here.

Shuttle is famous for making small form factor barebones PCs. They have a new one, the KPC with Linux and components already installed. The Swiftpoint Slider is a mouse in a new form factor. It's tiny and controlled by a thumb.

Bluelock is a Windows app that locks your PC when you walk away with a paired Bluetooth device in your pocket. Desktopple Pro from is a desktop hiding app.

Duke Beattie won the Big Trip logo contest. The story of why we picked his design is at BigTrip.TV.

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