You’ll never see me driving around in a pimped out car, but tweaking the looks of my computer and everything on it is a whole different case altogether. When you surf around the web long enough, it will happen. It’s just a matter of time. Sooner or later you’ll arrive on this God awful website that’ll [...]
You’ll never see me driving around in a pimped out car, but tweaking the looks of my computer and everything on it is a whole different case altogether.
When you surf around the web long enough, it will happen. It’s just a matter of time. Sooner or later you’ll arrive on this God awful website that’ll make you scream out in terror and hide beneath your desk. For some reason or another, some people just can’t grasp the concept of design.
User, meet Stylish. Stylish is a Firefox add-on. It’ll enhance your browser experience. Stylish uses simple, user-submitted CSS scripts (similar to Greasemonkey) to tweak the looks of certain websites.
Today we’re going to take a look at the four best Stylish scripts around.
1. Gmail Redesigned v2.0
If a webpage looks bad, we can make it look good. If it looks good, we can make it look better. Globex Designs released Gmail Redesigned, which will give your Gmail a slick dark look. It also visually tweaks all popular Google services. The Google Redesigned add-on was released a few weeks ago. Upon writing this article, Gmail and Google calendar got the treatment.
2. Grey/Olive v2
Going to, I feel like I’m walking into McDonalds; only without the burgers. I don’t like the bright red. It gives a ‘do what you’ve got to do and get out of here’ message.
Grey/OIive v2 gives a nice and calm grey-green look.
3. Google Web Search - dark blue redesign (vC)
This one gives your Google Web Search a slick blue look. Everyone will ask why Google looks so cool; perhaps you can try the NASA story.
This style is also available in Dark Grey for both Google Web Search and Google Image Search.
4. MySpace - Updated Home Rearranged
I’m not a fan of MySpace. But because we can’t keep some of you away from it anyway, we can at least try to contain the damage. This style fixes a lot of things. It rids the complete site of ads and rearranges the items on your MySpace homepage, making it a lot more compact and usable.
Installing scripts
Installing these scripts is very simple. You just install Stylish, find a script online (or make one yourself) and install it by right-clicking on the Stylish icon at the bottom of your browser.
Are you good with CSS? Why don’t you try making a style for Make Use Of? Be the first! Let us know your favorite Stylish scripts in the comments.
(By) Simon is a student from Belgium who wastes his time relaxing, watching anime and surfing the net. He would tell you to check out his blog, only he doesn’t have one yet!
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