Monday, October 6, 2008

GBTV #0357 (small) | GeekBrief.TV

We had a hard time decided whether the big story for today was the launch of or that Microsoft bailed on the Yahoo! takeover. I'm still not sure, but everyone should go to and watch the 25 Years reel. If you don't find it funny...well...then...nevermind!

Woopra, my favorite analytics tool, now works on a Mac thanks to a recent Java upgrade. My twitter friend, @jeffmccord explains how it works on his blog.

Hitachi has a new set of 1080p displays that are only 1.5 inches thick. Some of their 01 series of displays have a power swivel feature that is remote controlled allowing viewers to turn the display 30 degrees in either direction.

AT&T yanked the rug from underneath iPhone owners by providing free WiFi and then taking it away.

Rubik's Cube got together with a Kompoloi and had a very cool love child called The NeoCube. It's a combination of 216 high-energy, rare-earth spherical magnets that connect together in unlimited configurations. They're good for creativity, focus or just as a cool thing to put on a desk. Read more

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