Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Geek Brief Radio #430 | Home Automation by Savant

We have an audio conversation with Jim Carroll, the founder of Savant. They the only company (that I'm aware of) that builds home automation systems on Apple hardware. You can check them out at SavantAV.com. I don't see the iPhone/iPod Touch app in the App Store. As soon as I get the link, I'll update this post.

We also officially announce the 2008 Christmas Party in Nashville with Geoff Smith. Last year, we did it virtually over Ustream. This year, we're inviting everyone to come to The Big Bang Bar (Geoff's dueling piano bar). We'll stream if we can on Ustream, and if we can't because of bandwidth, we'll record it and release later. If you can make it to Nashville on December 15th, it's going to be a blast!

We'll be renting a couple cameras and a Tricaster in addition to piping in some additional bandwidth. If you're interested in underwriting the event, please contact me. Read more

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