Wednesday, July 30, 2008

GBTV #0343 (small) | GeekBrief.TV

Yahoo! is trying their best to avoid a Microsoft takeover. They're working on a deal to join with AOL and trying out an advertising partnership with Google. Microsoft doesn't like the possibility of any kind of Yahoogle happening, but the test is limited to a two week trial.

Yesterday was a BIG day for watch phones. The coolest one is the MW2 from VanDerled. The other one was oversized and odd-looking with no details about availability or price.

The Red Ferret Journal introduced us to a Web 2.0 copy editing service called Gramlee. You submit your written work to them, pay the a very nominal fee and a human editor cleans it up for you.

As far as I recall, we didn't bring up Zune Guy when he got his Zune logo tattoo, or when he announced he was changing his name to Microsoft Zune. We waited until now. He put the name-change plans on hold because someone told him it would cost $500. Now it turns out, it's only going to cost $150. He put a survey up asking people to vote on name alternatives. I want him to go with Mike Zune. Microsoft is notable in so many ways, but the name means tiny and soft. What guy wants to be identified THAT way?

My crisis of idealism blog post is at Thanks for taking the time to read it and adding your feedback. Read more

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