Thursday, February 28, 2008

GBTV #0248 (small) | GeekBrief.TV

GBTV #0248 (small) | GeekBrief.TV
Unless something major happens in tech news, we're taking a week off. We moved in May and still haven't unpacked because we haven't made the time. This week we're going to organize our house our garage and experiment with audio and lighting. We'll be back October 28th rebooted and running Order Leopard!

Time Warner's House of Last Thursday
Company: Time Warner Cable

Suzuki BaseCamp Concept
Company: Suzuki

Ford Airstream Concept
Company: Ford

Apogee Duet Recommended by Geoff Smith
Source: Geoff Smith
Company: Apogee Electronics

Amazon Selling Leopard for $20 Less
Order from

Source: SciFi Tech
Available at: GeekStuff4U

GoDaddy Promo Code Sites of the Day: and

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